Published inCodeXThe Password Pandemic: How Hackers Steal Your Credentials2024 has been a banner year to be a compromised password collector. Learn how to protect yourself from hackers’ favorite type of attacks.Feb 2Feb 2
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishBuilding Scalable Infrastructure with AWS S3, Lambda, and ECS/Docker ContainersContainers and containerization platforms are getting more and more popular. As computing continues to move into the cloud, opportunities…Aug 16, 2024Aug 16, 2024
The Mirror of AI: Why Are We So Baffled By Our Own Reflections?Between popular media, misinformation, and the constant distraction of the Internet Age, it can be hard to unravel some of the…Aug 4, 20248Aug 4, 20248
Sharpen Your Coding Skills with Command-Line Arguments in PythonPython is a fantastic language for scripting, prototyping, and developing portable back-end applications. The extensive libraries and…Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022
Published inCodeXWhat Makes a Password Strong: Why What You’ve Been Told Is Wrongand it’s actually making your passwords weaker.Jan 21, 202274Jan 21, 202274
Published inAWS TipIntegrating AWS APIs in Python — Using AWS S3 with the boto3 SDKAWS S3 storage is a flexible and handy service. Integrating it into your Python scripts can provide solutions for many applications, such…Jan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022
Approaching Basic Automation: Start Thinking Like A ComputerAutomating tasks can be one of the most satisfying applications of programming. Until you’ve logged a few projects under your belt, it can…Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
Published inCodeXThe Simple Things Everyone Ignores About Cyber SecurityKeep yourself and your business safer with just a few basic strategiesNov 20, 2021Nov 20, 2021
Finding a Job in Tech: What No One Told You About ResumesWhether you’re leaving school, changing careers, or jumping back in the job market, writing a resume can feel pressured and stressful…Nov 18, 2021Nov 18, 2021
Displaying Vertical Data Point Lines in ggplot/RSometimes the case arises where a vertical line makes for a better visual than a dot, e.g. when you’re trying to clearly demarcate…Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021